Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable operates for business Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
We are closed for lunch from 12 pm-1 pm.
Accounts Payable is responsible for all non-payroll, non-financial aid disbursements, including the payment of goods and services to vendors as well as reimbursements to individuals for costs incurred as part of University business. With an emphasis on maintaining controls, we provide innovative approaches to streamlining the payment process especially for frequent, university-wide purchases.
We substantiate expenses presented on invoices, and ensure that these payments comply with University policies and procedures and with local, state, and federal regulations. We are available to help with invoice resolution,reimbursement advice and other payment-related questions.
Manager, Accounts Payable & Travel
Kristopher DeCosta
Duties: Manage Accounts Payable & Travel Operations
Accounting Specialists
Duties: Invoice Processing
Alisa Gonzales
Duties: DP Processing
Denise Herrera
Duties: PO Processing
Direct Payment and Purchase Order Manual - This manual is a valuable resource designed to educate and assist you in understanding how to process a Direct Payment and Purchase Order invoice Payment. Also provided are various answers to frequently asked questions.
Direct Payment and Purchase Order Payments Manual
Electronic Direct Payment Form
Electronic Direct Payment Form Instructions
Electronic Awards and Prizes Form
Moving Expenses(Electronic DP Link)
Invoices may be submitted via U.S.P.S or via Email:
U.S.P.S.New Mexico Tech
Attn: Accounts Payable
801 Leroy Place
Socorro, NM 87801
Email: apinvoice@npe.lyhymh.net